Many countries and cultures have a tradition of massage, however Ayurveda massage is unique in that it is preceded by a study of the Prakruti (the constitutional uniqueness of the person to be massaged). The doctor’s examination will consider the balance/imbalance of the biological humours, the concept of Agni and the presence and intensity of Ama (toxins). Based on this, the type of massage and the most suitable medium (oils, powders etc) will be determined. Ayurveda massage uses a variety of applications/mediums. Simple and medicated oils are the most common, flours (ex lentil) for dry massage and powders of various herbs.
The most known Ayurveda massage is Abhyanga – the classical oil massage working the whole body. It can be administered by a single therapist or by two masseurs using the same rhythm and pressure (Synchronised massage). The oil is selected according to the guest’s constitution type, age and any specific disease present. The benefits of Abhyanga are many, including but not limited to: